Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Experimentation, shinies, and resolutions!

So here's the mani I wore yesterday.

Used: Urban Outfitters Silver Holo, stamped over using Shany XXL plate A and Sinful Colors Black on Black, then covered with Orly Miss Conduct.

This was testing two things:
1) Stamping sandwich! I quite like how it turned out; the pattern is there but is subtle.
2) Linear holos as undies. It really made this color POP! It helps that Orly Miss Conduct is itself a scattered holo, but it really added depth to the mani.

Shinies! I found a local beauty supply store that sells OPI for $5, Orly for $4, China Glaze for $4, Essie for $5... I ended up getting a mini-haul. That leads to two resolutions:

1) I'm on a no-buy until at least Valentine's Day. Beyond that, my goal is to never leave a store with more than one polish, unless they are very cheap/on sale and less than $10 total, and not buy more than two polishes or 1 <$10 haul a week. This may sound like a lot, but.. I.... I have a lot of polishes.

2) I am going to start using untried polishes from my stash for manis. This will hopefully trim down my collection and let me weed out polishes I don't like so much after all!

Next up: OPI Liquid Sand.

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